Compton often went back and forth as a suave hero and ferocious villain before becoming the undisputed primary foe during the series' fifth season. However, unless you intently watched every single episode of True Blood , you probably missed a few key facts about Bill Compton and his baleful bloodsucking lifestyle. In the novel, Bill's birthday is given as April 9, However, in the show, Bill's birthday is April 9, Despite the five-year discrepancy, Bill is still presented as a vampire who is years-old as the series begins.
Bill was bitten by a vampire around , making him an immortal trapped in the body of a year-old. Stephen Moyer was 39 at the time the pilot aired. A blessing in disguise, Skarsgard would go on to play the memorable role of Eric Northman in 76 of 81 episodes. Additionally, Alexander's father, Stellan Skarsgard, was offered an unspecified role on the show but declined due to his busy schedule. Skarsgard told E! News that "I don't have the time," before lauding his son's acting chops on the series.
Another subtle change made from the books to the series was Bill's middle name. In the novels, the ancient vampire's full name is given as William Erasmus Compton. For whatever reason, Thomas is used as Bill's middle name in the TV series. The vampires here, they're like cowboys, if they don't get Godric back, they'll want justice.
They'll start attacking people. Bill Compton : Open aggression against humans? That's insane. Eric Northman : Well, it's Texas. Bill Compton : [to Hoyt] Are you gonna leave or am I gonna have to throw you out! Through a window that is closed! Sookie Stackhouse : Bill, that is just rude! Bill Compton : Sookie, I've got this. Hoyt Fortenberry : I wasn't gonna do nothing. Bill Compton : [about Jessica] It's not her I'm protectin', son.
Bill Compton : We established there was to be no hunting in this house. Jessica Hamby : I know you feel like shit because you had to make me and you should feel like shit! But guess what? I'd never kissed a boy before that. Meetin' Hoyt is the only good thing that's happened to me since No, I'm not ready for any thing to happen to fast. I-I'd been happy just to go on kissin' him all night long Is it my fault my fangs come out when I get turned on?
Sookie Stackhouse : I think I'm gonna like her. Bill and Sookie appear to make up. Sookie however; bemoaning that she was meeting Bill half-way to becoming a vampire- after not being surprised to find a dead body in her house. Bill informs Sookie that he is keeping a file on her to figure out what she is. The next day he has a dream state encounter with Claudine apparently another effect of drinking so much of Sookie's blood.
Bill tells Sookie the truth of her existence and tells her that he to met Claudine, he also tells her that the Fey were believed to be wiped out years ago by vampires.
As Bill is watching TV and see's Russell's angry killing of the TV news anchor, Eric comes to the house he and Bill have a discussion about Sookie, that is interrupted by the woman herself. Bill down-plays the effect of Sookie's blood to Eric so as to protect. Later on Bill gets angry at Jason for allowing Sookie to escape, Jason get's angry and rescinds his invitation.
Bill goes to Fangtasia sensing Sookies fear she was chained by Eric he quickly overpowers Pam, but she manages to subdue him using silver spray, he is saved when Yvetta and Sookie. As Sookie and Bill are driving back from Fangtasia they have a touching conversation about starting over again. This is interrupted by Russell and Eric nearly breaking Sookie's car.
When they arrive back at Fangtasia Eric reveals to Bill that he has a plan to dispose of Russell. Inside Fangtasia Bill goes along with Eric's pretense that Sookie is a fairy. She screams that she will never forgive him and that she hates him. In the finale Bill gives Sookie his blood so she can survive, when she wakes she immediately slaps him, he then angrily reveals to her the plan.
She, is still angry at him, storms outside despite his warnings. Sookie saves Eric, Bill get's angry and side's with Pam that they should not save Russell. However Russell is saved by Sookie. Later on he and Eric encase Russell in cement and taunt him as he is drowning, Bill then does the same to Eric by handcuffing him in silver and throwing him into a separate pit. He then calls Reuben and order's him to kill Pam. Bill then reveals to Sookie what he was going to do in order to protect her.
However an Eric who is covered in cement knocks on the door and reveals to Sookie why Bill was actually here, and how Bill tricked her into nearly getting beaten to death by the Ratrays and drinking his blood. A distraught Sookie then rescinds her invitation from her house and Bill is forced to leave. A distraught Bill then invites Sophie-Ann to his house on the false pretense of having Sookie there to feed on, after he flatters the queen he proceeds to challenge her to a duel, she scorns him saying that she is over twice his age, he replies that he has nothing left to live for the two levitate and charge towards each other.
Bill, sensing that Sookie has returned, arrives at her home after nightfall. It appears he is happy that Sookie is alive, yet Sookie reminds him that to her it's only been 15 minutes since he broke her heart. Eric shows up soon after and tells Sookie that everyone, including Bill has forgotten about her. Bill tells Sookie that she can use the ruse of having secret vampire business. This would also help prove that Bill wasn't involved in her disappearance, as most people believed.
It is revealed that Bill is now the Vampire King of Louisiana. One of the younger witches from the circle, Katerina, reports to Bill that the coven brought Marnie's bird back to life. Bill tells her that her work spying for him in the coven is done and that it's no longer safe. She unbuttons her top, and Bill takes her to his bed. Sookie heads up the stairs and greets Bill just as Katerina, who is still getting dressed and has his bite marks on her neck, is walking out of his bedroom.
Sookie tells Bill that Eric has purchased her house with the intent of owning her, and asks Bill to use his royal influence to order Eric to give back her house and leave her alone. Bill tells her that Eric has friends in high places, but he'll do what he can to help her.
Until he can figure out a work-around, he advises Sookie to find shelter in another human's home. Sookie asks what good that would do if Eric can buy that one too. Sookie bids Bill good night, calling him "Your Excellency. Then she asks how Bill became King, anyway.
He balks, and she decides not to press the issue, telling him "If there's one thing I learned from us being together, it's that every time I found out something new about you, I ended up wishing I didn't know it. A flashback then shows Bill having Sophie-Anne meet her true death. We then see Bill in Bill, in full punk-rock get-up spiky hair, motorcycle jacket trolls a bar where a band is raging onstage.
He goes to the bar and strikes up a conversation with the bartender using a cockney accent. He buys the bartender a drink, and the next thing you know he's drinking from Callum's neck in an alley.
Callum is squealing and struggling, but then Bill glamours him. Under Bill's influence, he comes to believe that none of this has happened and that he'll just feel a bit weak for the next few days.
Bill heals the bartender's wounds and sends him running off. Bill wheels around and shows his fangs, to see Nan Flanagan wearing an '80s power suit. Nan is impressed that Bill seems to want to fit in, and recruits Bill to join their cause of mainstreaming, explaining that the greatest minds in the vampire legions, including Louis Pasteur yes, he's a vampire are working on synthesizing human blood that vampires can survive on. She tells Bill that she's looking for a few good vampire spies to infiltrate the monarchies and plant the seeds of discord from within.
Bill visits Pam at Fangtasia. He is questioning the whereabouts of Eric, but Pam tells him she knows nothing. Later, Nan pays a visit to Bill, angry for making him go near wiccans.
She forces him to take care of the situation personally. Bill approaches Sookie's home looking for Eric. He threatens to come into her home and look for Eric, but she stops him. She tells him that she has never once lied to him, and Bill believes her. He leaves without searching for Eric. Bill has to glamour Portia after she continued to hit on him.
She now screams and runs from him anytime she see's him. Pam visits Bill and insists on his help in reversing the spell on her face. Bill has Marnie captured, but after glamouring her for information, he finds out that Marnie doesn't know how to reverse the spell.
While attending a meeting with local vampire sheriff's, Pam accidentally tells Bill about Eric. He finds out that Sookie has been keeping Eric all along, and lied to him. After hearing that Sookie is hiding Eric, Bill appears in her home; interrupting the moment between she and Eric. Eric attacks Bill and almost stakes him, but stops when Sookie yells.
She explains that Bill is his king, making Eric put the fire poker down and bow. Bill apprehends Eric, saying he is a threat. Later, Bill is about to give Eric his true death, when Eric begins to explain his love for Sookie. Bill let's him and Pam go. Bill is pouring Tru Blood from a decanter when Luis wanders, still under Marnie's control. To avoid mass incineration, he instructs the vampires, as well as all of the vampires in their areas, to bind themselves with silver in their coffins, which will prevent them from heeding the call to turn up the sun.
Bill later visits Sookie and Eric before morning, and silently deduces that they have slept together. Nevertheless, he has come to help Eric survive the next day, bringing multiple silver chains.