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Schools Resources Blog. Date Of Birth. Gender Female Male. Part-time CPT 20 hours or less per week has no impact on subsequent eligibility for OPT, even if you work for more than a year. Can I work full-time instead of part-time, or vice-versa?
Yes, but only with prior authorization from ISSS. You cannot make the change until you have obtained a new CPT authorization I, or you will be working without authorization i. If you change from full-time to part-time employment, you should let ISSS know so that your employment will not affect your eligibility for OPT. Otherwise, CPT cannot be authorized. If I have an internship or other work opportunity which is unpaid, do I still need CPT authorization?
Yes, if the internship, work, or volunteer opportunity is related to your major field of study, you should still apply for CPT authorization even if you will not receive payment. The definition of "employment" in immigration terms does not necessarily equate with being paid, and Homeland Security expects international students engaged in even unpaid internships to be authorized for CPT.
This includes students who may be registering for internship credit through their academic department. For further information on traveling outside the USA and carrying proper documentation, please review the travel information section of our website.
Yes, unless you are ineligible due to one of the factors listed previously in this packet. Get a job offer letter from your employer. Begin the CPT application process in iHawk. Watch your email inbox for an automated email from iHawk. After you receive the automated email from iHawk with further instructions, list your experience with the appropriate Career Center:.
Upload evidence that you have listed your experience with the appropriate Career Center into the iHawk system. Meet with an ISSS advisor during walk-in hours. Skip to main content. The University of Iowa Search. Eligibility Who is eligible for CPT? Who is not eligible for CPT? Students who have received a program extension to extend the end date on the I; the ISSS advisor will need to discuss the nature of your program extension to determine whether CPT will further delay your completion of studies.
It must:. A standard job offer letter may not contain the required information. We recommend your employer uses this sample Detailed Training Description. Please ensure your Detailed Training Description contains all details. If your current offer letter is missing only 1 or 2 details, we may accept one printed e-mail, addressed to you, directly from your employer containing the missing details.
If any details of your training opportunity change, please e-mail documentation verifying the changes to icenter umich. You are required to update your address in Wolverine Access within 10 days of any change while you are in F-1 status.
It is not uncommon for students to confuse unpaid internships with volunteering and therefore conclude that no work authorization is necessary for engaging in an unpaid internship.
However, there is a difference between volunteering and engaging in an unpaid internship. Volunteering refers to donating time with an organization whose primary purpose is charitable or humanitarian in nature, without remuneration or any other type of compensation.
The U. The following six criteria must be met for an internship to be considered a legitimate unpaid internship and not employment below minimum wage, in violation of Department of Labor laws :. CPT authorization is strongly recommended for all unpaid internships, whether the student does or does not need to provide employment authorization documents to the company. The F-1 regulations are written in such a way that CPT is an authorization to do practical training as part of the curriculum for the academic program, and as such is significant in more ways than simply for the employer to verify employment eligibility.
CPT authorization is more than just permission to get paid. Based on the above, we recommend that you apply for CPT authorization if you have an internship offer paid or unpaid that meets CPT eligibility criteria. If the position is unpaid and for some reason it is not possible for you to obtain CPT authorization, please make sure that your prospective supervisor is aware of U.
Department of Labor regulations concerning unpaid internships and that you have assurances preferably written to that effect before you accept the position. We also recommend that at the end of your internship you ask your employer to provide you with a letter confirming that there was no remuneration or any other type of compensation provided in any form during the dates you were participating in the internship.
Please keep such a letter for your permanent records. Skip to main content. Be aware that adding a CPT course may have an impact on your tuition and fees.